The rush of medical or surgical teams is over for the moment. The SRI summer teams are more construction, youth groups, or VBS. So the SRI medical coordinator, (yup, that would be me.....) has a bit more downtime.
Oh there is work to be done. The pharmacy always needs inventory. The scary room still has many suitcases to be unpacked and organized. The clinic could use my attention. Our dryer room is full of empty (or full?) suitcases/bags, etc that could find homes. But I’m in the States now, fueling up on the love of the folks who send me. Gazing at the mountains from our cabin porch. Snacking on blueberries with my folks and reminiscing. Playin a little wiffle ball with my nephews. Visiting with my crew. Sharing what is up in San Juan and the vision for the future.
Lately I’ve been missing babies... delivering babies.... holding their mama’s hands in labor. But it only makes me more excited for the new clinic and the day when WE can have Obstetrics in our clinic. It’s a little way off- we’ve got the BUILD the new clinic first. But I dream of one day. I don’t see great OB statistics here. In fact, I sometimes see horror stories. I used to pooh-pooh all the continuing ed and pathways and drills that we had to do in the US hospitals i worked in. It drove me crazy to come into work on days off for classes, courses, and demonstrations. But now I see the need. I see the value. And I’m humbled when I see the desire to LEARN in the faces of those that I love here. It pushes me to want to be a better teacher.
It excites me for a new clinic with a passion for the poor and demonstrating INTEGRAL (spiritual, physical, emotional) health. It (GULP) makes me wonder what role I will have in continuing education in the future. Could it be that God will have me involved in doing things that I used to roll my eyes at? :) I think He’s been working in my heart AND in my abilities in this way. At the very least I think He’s calling me to ENCOURAGE this type of education. It excites me when I see Americans come down and want to teach or demonstrate or share. It reminds me of how education can change the world. And I see it on the school side as well. I see the kids that graduate from our sponsored schools down here and I see some of them volunteer in the community, or end up translating for us, or go on to greater things. I see my friends wrestle to continue their education, although it sure seems to take so much longer in the DR. It’s cool to see the need and the fruition of education both on the medical (our clinic and barrio teams) sides and the school side. Sponsoring kids really DOES make a difference. Having CPR classes really DOES save lives. It’s exciting stuff! I mentioned several months ago that participating in the Neonatal Resuscitation classes taught by Sam Wellman was one of the single most valuable things I feel that I have done here. And I get to do that again in July when I return from the States. It saves babies, guys! How awesome is that!
So YES, I’m psyched for the future. I’m increasingly PSYCHED for the new clinic and the change in healthcare that will result in San Juan. I’m wanting to learn more MYSELF in order to share and teach. It cracks me up that once upon a time I never wanted to do anything except Labor and Delivery. And now I know a little bit more about General Surgery and Ortho and ENT and Gyn and Tropical Medicine. And I want to know MORE. And YES, I know that much of what I do is QA (quality assurance) but I’m learning more about that as well. I miss my maternity mommies...and I hope the day is coming when I get to see them again. But I love what God is doing here in San Juan, changing lives, changing MY life still. I love that I am part of something that is growing and evolving and spinning around to bring us all back to Him.
When I’m working in the clinic or in the barrios on the mobile medical teams, I often feel like I am IN the moment. I’m not even thinking much about tomorrow- just the folks in front of me and how the American teams are feeling/doing/experiencing. I don’t know that I have much time (or energy) to dream so much about what WILL be. But in weeks like this..... time in the States to breathe and catch up and process..... I think of what is COMING.
And I want to be ready. It’s good stuff. :)
clear natural pool in the DR
beautiful Pine Creek, PA
Gorgeous two worlds collide! Beauty all around us....
PS For those of you who don’t know what I’m talking about with the new clinic...go to our website at and check out The Revolution!