News from Nik- July 2014
I’ve just spent a few weeks in the Homeland resting, reading, and stuffing my face and it’s been beautiful. This is the most peaceful trip home that I have had in at least 3 years and I’ve enjoyed every minute (except for missing Monchi and my Dominican peoples!). Red Robin, nephews (see Donavon and I together at the 50s Diner here above!), late night chats with dear friends, mountain trips, Isaac’s Sandwiches, Eby and Umble reunions, Turkey Hill Ice Cream, homemade pickles, (much of this apparently resolves around food?) swimming in pools and ponds and lakes and mountain creeks, precious time with Bud and Sue (my beloved parents), and just quiet moments reflecting on my life and all the fullness that it is.
I took in a lot and I hopefully let go of a lot. I hope I let go of the stress and anxiety and pressure that comes along with serving in another country sometimes. I hope I let go of the idea that I often can’t fit my square peg in a round hole and sometimes wonder which world I fit in. I hope I am letting go of the idea that I’m not good enough ,thin enough, spiritual enough, talented enough, enough, enough, enough, and all the enemy thoughts that attack me. Sometimes I have to let go of these thoughts multiple times and know that I will continue to WANT TO BE ENOUGH and struggle with feeling it and finding it in HIM WHO KNOWS ME BY NAME. (I Love you Jesus!)
BUT I TOOK IN FAR MORE THAN I LET GO OF. I took in the unconditional love of my family, the ever-present support of my besties, the trust that I have in my friends, the truth that needed to be heard from my soul sister, the prayers of my people, the open-arms of my church, the tears in a sad movie, the story of a good book, the tight hugs of my nephews, the sun on Pine Creek, the peace of a park as I plod heavily on a running path, the rain hitting the roof of my parent’s home, the quilt that I love on my old bed (just like always!), the GOODNESS OF THE LORD. I saw the face of Jesus in every single person who served me here…and it happened every single day.
I feel refreshed. I feel ready. This was exactly what I needed. I am enveloped in love and I remember THE CALL. I remember why God sent me to the DR. I had been feeling like I have a job, like I’ve been working, like it’s an employment when IT IS NOT. It’s always been about God. It’s always been Him calling me there, sustaining me there, fulfilling me there, It’s always been a privilege and an honor and I’m-the-luckiest-girl-in-the-world feeling. And I’ve got it again.
I’m not going to say this is ever a walk in the park. I’ve got major prayer requests. I was denied a Residency Visa to the DR. That hurts. My man was denied a visitor’s visa to the States. Ouch again. My passport and Visa paperwork is lost in the US postal system (since May) and I need it to continue on in my search for legal life in the DR. My tenants are leaving my home and I have no new tenants lined up as of yet to pay the mortgage. Sigh. Pray. Just pray for me.
And yet….. I’m ready. I’m confident that God already has these things in His Big Schedule Book. He’s Got The Whole World In His Hands. Back to the DR I go…… THANK YOU my wonderful people for supporting me, for making all this possible, for praying, sending money and notes and encouragement and fresh strawberries and chocolate ice cream. Thanks for sharing the vision!
* If you would like to support me (tax deductible!) , please check out the Missionary Support page on and follow me on the Solid Rock International blog (same webpage)