Friday, April 6, 2012

It's a Good Friday!

One week ago today my Dad arrived in the DR.  I've had both of my parents here now for a week (mom has been here for two) and it's been awesome living here through their eyes, so to speak.  

Mom and I finished up with the Rhodes team and headed in last Friday morning with a friend (lil Monchi) who we dropped off in the capital.  We DID make a stop to visit Baby Nicole in Bastidaaaaaa though.  She remains somewhat reluctant to have anything to do with me.  :)  But it's ALWAYS heavenly to see that sweet face.   And her mama was happy to give me some mani and mangos!  Awesome!

This is about how she feels when I try to hold her!  ;)

However, DulceMaria is a bit more willing to sit on my lap!  She did pee on me a little bit but it was okay.

Her beautiful sibs!

We picked up my Dad around 1:30, grabbed some pizza in the airport, and headed to Boca Chica to Rita's Refuge (just always a favorite!) to settle in by the Caribbean.   Dad sat outside on the balcony for a long time taking in the blue blue water and palm trees.   It was the first time I've been with my parents since last June so we talked and talked and chatted and chatted.   Did a little poolside snooze and headed across the street to Neptune's for a glamorous dinner.   Boca Chica is such a city of contrasts.  In most ways it's just a pit....but there are a few little treasures here and I'm glad we've found them.

On Saturday we went for a long walk on the beach and then drove by the Phillies Academy and watched some young hopefuls play ball for a few moments.  It's always cool wondering if the next Pujols is playing right before our eyes.  :)   We headed down to Faro de Colon and then the Colonial Zone in Santo Domingo and visited the First Cathedral and Conde Street before heading back to San Juan in early afternoon.

Oh and San Juan.....I love San Juan.

We visited a baseball practice, the market and the orphanage and Corbano Sur.  We participated in a fogata (bonfire) in the streets and played a bunch of dominos.   

Kari making hot chocolate at the bonfire.  YUM!

On Tuesday we drove to Barahona to the El Quemaito beach with Kari and her friend Andrea.   It was chill and beautiful.  We sat by the water and ate fried fish and Kari and I played dominos with some locals.

And Wednesday was El Cercado.  How awesome having my folks hang out with my "second family" here!  We sat in the patio, shelled granules, and of course, Laura and I threw down some dominos with the fam.  Great times!  We also stopped by the clinic and visited some other friends in town.

Eating chenchen in Cercado on the patio= heavenly!

Spent Thursday here in San Juan again.   I got up and headed to the kitchen and spent some morning hours shelling granules with Margo and the crew.  Shelling grandules is one of the most relaxing communal activities.  You sit down with folks and just shell.    And grandules are beautiful.

We will spend this weekend puttering around San Juan.  We visited friends last night and ate WAY too much food.   Today we will walk to the cathedral and think about Jesus.   We will remember Good Friday and how meaningful it is.  We will read the chapters in the Bible about His death and we will wait for Sunday and the resurrection.    I will think about the grandules and how the new peas spring from their pod....the newness of bright green LIFE and how Jesus IS life for me.   I will remember how it feels to just SIT with folks shelling grandules quietly, our hands mixing in the bowls.    We will wait quietly for the Savior today.  Still.  

1 comment:

  1. i had no idea your parents were there. that is so much fun. looks like so much fun. miss you. xoxo. mis.
