Tomorrow (Monday) will begin one of my favorite things to do here at Solid Rock. I get to accompany/support/assist Sam and Terry Wellman as they teach Neonatal Resuscitation in some local area hospitals.
This is the closest (except for the delivery of Baby Nicole) that I get to my previous life as a Labor and Delivery Nurse so it means a great deal to me. I have heard Doctor Canario speak about the statistics of maternal and infant mortality here in this country and it’s not good. It’s true that the places that we go often do not have the supplies needed….but it’s more than that. Knowledge is Power, in this case. The trick for us is to evaluate what is available to the health care providers…and then to use what is available to them to help save lives. We also often leave supplies with the hospitals that we visit to help with Neonatal Resuscitation as well.
It’s fun, it’s exciting- it’s MOTIVATING again for me to watch how much people hunger for more knowledge. Every time I have participated in these resuscitation classes, I am overwhelmed with how well received the classes are. The doctors and nurses are always so grateful and anxious to participate. It humbles me again at how much I took ( and still take!) my educational opportunities for granted when so many do not have the same opportunities.
It also gets me a little bit fired up at the thought of delivering babies once again in the future, hopefully in our new clinic. How exciting to watch a new program start from the ground up! Please continue to pray for our Revolution- the building of our new clinic..and the opportunities that it will afford those who live in San Juan and the larger surrounding area.
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