I’ve said a million times that we could never ever work without our translators and Pastor Enol. For the July/August last 2 barrio teams, we’ve sent out “home visitors”. Our translators or Pastor Enol head out armed with their backpacks and some Bibles and maybe toothbrushes or shoes. One or two of them sets sail while the rest of us are working in the barrio clinic and they go house to house. Praying for folks. Talking about Jesus. Teaching little kids how to brush their teeth correctly or wash their hands correctly or avoid parasites. One on one with families. Sharing. Loving. Showing Jesus. Guys, it gets me all choked up.
This is why I’m here. Not to be the one going house to house. I’m a distraction, with my American self and awkward spanish. I’m here to support these guys while THEY do it, loving on their own. Understanding and participating in their own culture. And guess what? Dominicans are coming to really KNOW Jesus because Euclides and Santos and Luiyi and Enol are in their living rooms, sipping coffee with them and praying about Grandma’s blood pressure or Tio’s diabetes and “hey, we want to give you guys a BIble” and “can we talk to the kids about toothbrushing?”.
And meanwhile, Hector is talking to the folks in the barrio clinic about leptospirosis- which is a killer…just like SIN. And Nef is teaching about dehydration and then what LIVING WATER is. And Glennys is talking to the women in the pharmacy about how to do breast exams. And Simon is double checking some guy’s blood pressure and reminding the adults how to take care of their teeth. And Amaury is teaching folks how to take ALL of their medication and not share it with the neighbors or their kids. If my hubs were there he would probably be finding some blind guy in his house to bring to the barrio clinic and then be running around playing with all the local kids setting up organized games. All of them- Santiago and Alexa and Quilson are doing it too… loving on their own. And I get to watch it. Sure- I can facilitate. I held a pharmacy class for these guys a couple years ago. I have an education suitcase full of stuff that they can use. We as a staff have met recently to review charlas and teachings and we pray together and prep and I can help get the Bibles through groups sometimes and the toothbrushes and toothpaste through groups sometimes too. But that’s my role? Maybe I’m not exactly changing the world, right? What is it that is required of me? Oh right- it’s in Micah. And I’ve posted this before- recently in fact.
Micah 6:8 And what does the LORD require of you? To act justly and to love mercy and to walk humbly with your God.
BOOM. My crew is showing me how it’s done. Faces of Jesus. I heart them all… #DominicanslovingDominicans
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